
Do you feel…

*lack of confidence about your portfolio?
*underskilled and not good enough?
*that there are tons of good illustrators out there and you won’t add much to the scene?
*scared to call art directors and be rejected?
*there is too much competition?
*not sure what steps to follow to become top illustrator?
*overwhelmed and confused?

Are you ready to…

*Become a successful illustrator?
*Make an impact you’re meant to make as an illustrator?
*start making great income by illustrating?
*see your illustrations published in magazines, books, ads, etc.?
*let go of fears & limiting mindset that block your career?
*be confident in your illustration style?
*have a lineup of clients desiring to work with you?
*do what you love and get paid for it?

Than you need to watch these videos and set yourself up for total success!